Monday, September 15, 2008

New pictures

Well, another family is picking up their baby and was kind enough to take pictures of Pearl. She is 8 months now and it pains me to see her growing up so quickly without us.
Senator Wyden's office has contacted us. Also, several other RFE families and us are communicating regularly and sharing ideas and support. We are all very focused on picking up our babies and soon as possible.


Mark and Mary said...

Pearl is such a pretty baby. Look at all of that hair! gorgeous. Hopefully, you will hear good news soon.

Julie said...

Pearl is such a beauty! I can't wait to see her in your arms. Hang in there. It WILL happen. Call or write me anytime.

Sandra & Steve said...

She gets prettier with every very sorry you have this horrible wait, but she will be yours in time, hopefully VERY soon. Thinking good thoughts for you and yours.

The Hines Family said...

What a sweet baby! I can't get over all of her hair! Hope you hear good news soon! :-)