First of all, we got stuck in a major traffic jam in HaNoi and stood still for over 30 minutes. I haven't posted about the traffic and driving habits of HaNoi so I will let you know now. There are no lanes and few traffic lights. And even if there are traffic lights, the Vietnamese don't follow the traffic lights. They easily run through red lights. They will not stop for pedestrians (not even children). It is crazy how chaotic the streets are and how few accidents we saw(actually only one). They honk like crazy and drive with wild abandon. It is a crazy meeting of scooters, cars and bicycles through very narrow streets.
The HaNoi airport basically followed this same premise order, no lanes and total chaos. Once we got on our Hong Kong flight, Pearl decided there was no way she was going to sleep. She proceeded to throw up all over Eric. He took it all in stride. Pearl finally went down for a little bit and we all caught about a half hour of sleep on the 15 hour flight.
We are now in San Francisco. Our flight is delayed but even so, it would be great to get to Portland. We will then figure out how we will get from the airport to our house. We don't have a car seat because we were going to have family pick us up but with the crazy snow, they can't get to the airport.
That's all for now. I plan on posting more about my observations of Vietnam later.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hoping you made it home tonight...
Can't wait to catch up! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Groff Family!!! Good luck getting home. Drive safely and take it all in stide...right? Way to go Eric on the throwing up!!! You truly are a dad!!! :)
Are you home??? Merry Christmas!!!
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